Friday, December 28, 2012

What should I do if my question is not in the Knowledgebase?

What should I do if my question is not in the Knowledgebase?

What should I do if my question is not in the Knowledgebase?
We want to be as complete as possible in our Knowledgebase Knowledgebase and continuous improvement. If your question is not in the Knowledgebase? You can not find the question you are looking for? Or do you have suggestions? Then send your question or suggestion for the Knowledgebase to email us. In your e-mail to the Knowledgebase on the go. You can ask your question to the email address of online degree programs send. We can answer your question and if necessary, add to the knowledge base.

Signpost online degree programs

online degree programs The guide is primarily intended for new staff in primary schools who would deal with the exchange with the Basic Education Registry (online degree programs). For more experienced employees this is a reference guide to the major issues of online degree programs in a row.

online degree programs general
online degree programs stands for Basic Education Registry. After secondary education ( ), adult and  cational education (BVE) are all schools in primary education (primary) connected to online degree programs. The personal identification number enables schoolchildren to follow. The data from online degree programs provide information on such attendance and dropping out of school. This data may be used for the development of education, for the determination of the funding to schools and the control thereof. In the Education Act Number (WON) is described which educational institutions may use the personal number. online degree programs is managed by the Office of Education ( ).

Data exchange with online degree programs
Each school has its own student administration system ( ). Here all student data accurately. It is intended that all learner data to be registered in online degree programs. online degree programs delivers a security certificate in the   must be installed so that a secure connection is created to the online degree programs data to send. A security certificate is valid for five years. If the period expires, you will receive a new certificate online degree programs that you should download and install.
The instructions for downloading the security certificate below.

With a valid certificate can exchange online degree programs. Read before you start the manual of your   carefully. All changes to your   to you within two weeks after the change at your school has become known, pass on online degree programs. After each message you send to online degree programs, you will receive a receipt in your  . After processing converts online degree programs feedback ready. The feedback will pick you up at your  . It is important that you regularly retrieve your feedback. It contains important information about the messages you have sent to online degree programs. It could be that a message contains an error and that the error must restore the message again to online degree programs must be sent.

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