Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Municipal Ombudsman Ulco of Pol in the framework of the pilot project on complaint in education met with students from our school. Earlier, the Ombudsman had contact with Calvin Junior College. During previous meetings, he spoke with the school and the PTA (this was already posted in a previous newsletter). At this meeting were students and some teachers turn to get acquainted with complaint and the ombudsman.

During the meeting were three roleplays place where students represent cases that could occur at school. The Ombudsman examined the situation and gave his expert advice. The students had prepared themselves three cases. A situation where a student class is output and three weeks access to the lesson was denied, one in which a student is accused of something of which it is unclear whether he had done it, and a final in which a teacher welcomes Blackberry disappeared was.

In his analysis of the problems let the Ombudsman know that it is important that the person who mediates independent and impartial. He also know that there are always at the facts must be considered, as it can not be that a student accused simply because he has been more difficult. The students were clearly interested in the analysis of the Ombudsman, and happy to note that both the Ombudsman and the Director does not automatically every time agreed with the teacher. The Ombudsman has the alderman education with a letter informed of the progress of the pilot project and the planned follow up. The meeting with the students is captured on video and is soon on our school website.

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