Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Community Colleges Are an Important Decision

Community Colleges Are an Important Decision

A community college is also called junior college offers two year programs with which you can transfer to a university in America. This is particularly attractive when a university abroad to study, but not the right to education and financial means.

The benefits of studying at a community college
Studying abroad after high school is a dream of many students. For many studies abroad, however, at least a VWO diploma requested. For the group of students who are not in possession of a VWO diploma and still wants to study abroad, there are community colleges in America. Community colleges, educational institutions, where much attention is given to you as an individual. Education and guidance are good and personal, that will make you feel right at home at the school. Also nice to know is that the tuition at community colleges is lower than at a university in America. For example, a college study so much care in your wallet.

At the community colleges in America, the right to education either 'open door policy'. This means that these schools have an obligation to allow virtually anyone regardless of training. This does not mean that the level of education is low. Community colleges offer namely good training and courses on different levels. Of real training, such as training or hairdressing to plumbing, to academic programs that you can transfer to a bachelor at an American university. The theoretical subjects such as mathematics and English are offered at various levels. In this way, these educational everyone a chance, of vmbo'er to mbo'er.

Transfer Program
To transition from a community college to a bachelor at a U.S. university may make via the so-called Transfer program, you must complete boxes at the highest level achieved. This level is the same as the level of all other American universities. Perhaps this level is not feasible for every college student or not feasible for every student in two years, but students with sufficient capacities can thus still a bachelor pick. Besides sufficient capacity is a good motivation also important at the end of the two years you graduate and possibly move on to college!

Learn more about your opportunities at a community college in America? Contact our student advisors

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