Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Get To Your College Campus Offices To Enroll Today

Get To Your College Campus Offices To Enroll Today

The Junior College CA Green Top Mathematics offers three themes that you become acquainted with challenging math and a bridge between secondary school and mathematics at the university.

We offer the following participating schools:

Training sessions for accompanying teachers
Materials for approximately 14 lessons within the school
Two classes at CA Green Top Campus Kortrijk or
An online learning platform with additional information and the ability to communicate with teachers from other schools
See below for more information about

Training sessions for teachers

The training sessions for teachers are similar to those of previous edition and therefore focused on new participating teachers. The sessions will be simultaneously via videoconference in Green Top and Kortrijk continue.

Classes at the university

The classes at the university in line with the training materials in their classroom use. A participation in these classes is an interesting addition to the classroom and offers students an introduction to the university. For each of the three themes, we provide a common starting and closing time both in Green Top and Kortrijk continues.

In early January we organize a kick-off meeting (3 hours) for all participants in the Junior College Mathematics. We discuss a number of topics that are relevant to everyone, such as modulo arithmetic, matrix transformations and the concepts of eigenvalue and eigenvector.
The closing event (2.5 hours) consists of two parts. In the first part we invite each of the themes a guest speaker. These lectures are parallel. In the second part, we shared the students acquainted with several surprising applications of mathematics.

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