Friday, December 28, 2012

What should I do if my question is not in the Knowledgebase?

What should I do if my question is not in the Knowledgebase?

What should I do if my question is not in the Knowledgebase?
We want to be as complete as possible in our Knowledgebase Knowledgebase and continuous improvement. If your question is not in the Knowledgebase? You can not find the question you are looking for? Or do you have suggestions? Then send your question or suggestion for the Knowledgebase to email us. In your e-mail to the Knowledgebase on the go. You can ask your question to the email address of online degree programs send. We can answer your question and if necessary, add to the knowledge base.

Signpost online degree programs

online degree programs The guide is primarily intended for new staff in primary schools who would deal with the exchange with the Basic Education Registry (online degree programs). For more experienced employees this is a reference guide to the major issues of online degree programs in a row.

online degree programs general
online degree programs stands for Basic Education Registry. After secondary education ( ), adult and  cational education (BVE) are all schools in primary education (primary) connected to online degree programs. The personal identification number enables schoolchildren to follow. The data from online degree programs provide information on such attendance and dropping out of school. This data may be used for the development of education, for the determination of the funding to schools and the control thereof. In the Education Act Number (WON) is described which educational institutions may use the personal number. online degree programs is managed by the Office of Education ( ).

Data exchange with online degree programs
Each school has its own student administration system ( ). Here all student data accurately. It is intended that all learner data to be registered in online degree programs. online degree programs delivers a security certificate in the   must be installed so that a secure connection is created to the online degree programs data to send. A security certificate is valid for five years. If the period expires, you will receive a new certificate online degree programs that you should download and install.
The instructions for downloading the security certificate below.

With a valid certificate can exchange online degree programs. Read before you start the manual of your   carefully. All changes to your   to you within two weeks after the change at your school has become known, pass on online degree programs. After each message you send to online degree programs, you will receive a receipt in your  . After processing converts online degree programs feedback ready. The feedback will pick you up at your  . It is important that you regularly retrieve your feedback. It contains important information about the messages you have sent to online degree programs. It could be that a message contains an error and that the error must restore the message again to online degree programs must be sent.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Central Bureau of Statistics

Central Bureau of Statistics

Central Bureau of Statistics
CBS gets a copy of the funding and policy data from online degree programs. Publications and tables that are published by CBS, are never reducible to a person. CBS:
use the data for policy preparation by the Minister of Education
provide the data from the base register also to municipalities for the award of cash on the spot and in preparation of budget and policy issues
has the ability to transfer data from school or institution level public. The privacy of the individual lags guaranteed

Inspectorate of Education
The Education Inspectorate uses anonymous data from online degree programs to monitor education in the United States and for the assessment of the schools.
Ministry of Education
The Ministry uses anonymous data from the online degree programs system to monitor effectively the funding of education in the United States. Addition, the information used in the preparation of budgetary and policy matters.
Parents or guardians
Under the Data Protection Act (WBP), a parent or guardian at   request access to and correction of their personal data and the personal data of his or her minor child. In addition, a parent object to its use.


To your questions 24 hours a day to answer, there is the Knowledgebase online degree programs. We ask you to read the knowledgebase online degree programs under the right to consult, before contacting the Helpdesk online degree programs record.

How does the Knowledgebase?
The Knowledgebase is quick and easy. There are several ways to search the knowledge base:

By at least one keyword into the white bar and typing in 'search' button, you will get up to 100 results. The more words you use, the greater the chance that you direct your question here. The first results shown are the most relevant. The relevance decreases as the results up. With the button 'Next' at the bottom of the screen there is always a new page loaded with more results. If the words used little or no results, you can click the button "new search" button. You can use another keyword, add a keyword or find the answer by yourself to look at the subject.

Search by topic:
To search by topic, you will find the questions by topic to see. Fill any keyword in the white bar, but press directly on one of the topics indicated. By clicking on the topic, you will see the different categories are. Each category are found the questions shown. Some, major categories are divided into subcategories, the search easier. You can click to your question as the corresponding question and read the answer.
Finally, see the initial screen of the Knowledgebase still the most frequently asked questions. This change weekly.
Caution! Please note that when searching the search of knowledge not only looking at numbers. If you are looking for example information signal 303, then enter "signal 303 'in.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Online Degree Program Data Used To Improve Courses

Online Degree Program Data Used To Improve Courses

Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education is the ultimate client for the introduction of the personal number. The introduction of the personal number in primary education is regulated by the Public  and the Private.

The Department uses data from online degree programs to new policies to create or adapt current policies.

Inspectorate of Education
The Education Inspectorate supervises the quality in all sectors of education and organizational falls under the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The Inspectorate performs its oversight from seven offices throughout the United States. The headquarters of the inspection in Utrecht. The inspection line consists of the Inspector General and three chief inspectors. The inspection shall include the income statements, together with an assessment of the performance of schools.

The inspection uses data from online degree programs to new policies to determine whether current policies to adapt.


In the Education Act Number (WON) is determined which parties may use the data from the online degree programs system. The parties in lved are:
Office of Education ( )
  is the legal administrator of online degree programs. The introduction of online degree programs is part of the introduction of the Law on the Education Code. online degree programs.

the calculation and allocation of funding to educational institutions and administrations
the composition of management and policy information
  forward that information to the other parties

Municipalities can count data by BRIN number from  . With this information they can understand the numbers of pupils who   used for the funding of a school to determine. Municipalities may request the student numbers under the heading 'setting information.

Moreover, for municipalities and administrative offices the ability to get information about birth years, age and country of origin of students of a school for primary education. This can be an e-mail to informatieproducten@ .nl.

Furthermore, municipalities use the personal number for registration of school age youth. This is in the interest of the enforcement of the Compulsory Education.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

For calendar year 1988, an amount of 8 million. Applications are assigned in order of receipt. Once the subsidy ceiling is reached, the Minister shall publish in the Gazette and we will publish it on this website.

We have received the application in time and the application is complete, you will receive an acknowledgment. Missing data or the information is not clear to us, it takes an employee of   contact you.   then takes a complete pending request, checks whether the application meets the eligibility rules and sends a decision.

Later than eight weeks after the application is received, you will receive a decision on your application.

First deadline for the C sroom
 You can submit an application for the year for a side-entry participating in the project the first c s. Applications are assigned in order of receipt. Applications received after us come we can not process.

We check the information on your application may apply.   uses and protects your data carefully in accordance with the Data Protection Act (WBP).

Office of Education ( )
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Ministry of Education
Inspectorate of Education
Office of Education ( )
  shall include care for the funding of educational institutions and the associated control and manage the Registry Basic Education, abbreviated online degree programs. In online degree programs, the data stored by all pupils in secondary education,  cational education and all pupils in primary education.   ensures that this information to others who end up this data can be used for funding and policy development.

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (GGJC), the ultimate client for the introduction of the personal number. The introduction of the personal number in primary education is regulated by the Primary Education Act (Public ) and the Law Expertise Centre (Private). The Department uses data from online degree programs to new policies to create or adapt current policies.

Education Regulations For the Public

Education Regulations For the Public

Purpose of regulations
Aim of the project and the scheme was to reach a wider audience for art and culture through the sustainable digitizing collections based on specific quality standards. In this way, the digitization process permanently embedded in the organizations, policies and processes of heritage institutions.
For who?
The scheme is intended for cultural institutions such as museums, (audiovisual) archives, institutions in the field of monuments / archeology and (university) libraries. The scheme is closed. There can be no applications to be done.
  supports projects implementation and management, both content and process.   also organizes together with the makers of the Ministry of Education meetings aimed at spreading knowledge and sharing.

They grant inflows

Would you as a competent authority of a   or VET institution appoint someone and enable through lateral entry within two years of his or her power to get? You can then apply for a contribution towards the cost of the lateral entry process.

In the) state the conditions under which you can nominate a teacher who does not hold a teaching qualification. Thanks to a specially planned route (the lateral entry process), the candidate immediately before the c s and set him to his powers within two years to achieve.

Of course, not everyone through lateral entry directly before the c s to stand. Therefore, a lateral entry trajectory required components. There are some differences between the lateral entry program in secondary education and the lateral entry process in the  cational and adult education.

The first project the C sroom
From this yah a portion of the lateral inflow annual budget reserved for a group of transfer students participating in the project the first c s. First graders are excellent academics without teaching that are selected for training the first c s. It is a program where the participating candidates Lateral-entry to a secondary school and simultaneously appointed a leadership program to follow, partly business and partly in the training of qualified teacher. For more information (on the selection). In addition, these same group conditions and amounts as for other transfer students.
More information about the laws and regulations relating to the acceptance of transfer students can be found at

Electrical Colleges and Electrician Resources

Electrical Colleges and Electrician Resources

Powerful mastery

The Electrical Colleges mastery wants the innovation and excellence of the teacher and the teaching profession strengthen. This should ultimately contribute to more and better trained teachers.
Since 2009, 41 projects were launched. Meanwhile, 16 projects (the first group) already completed. These projects show that "Dealing with differences' and 'Custom' important themes in the shaping of excellence. Most other projects are completed late 2014.

Risk Regions

This scheme is now closed. The purpose of this scheme is to qualitative as well as quantitative shortage of teachers in the region to reduce risk. The risk regions are those regions where the threat of shortage of teachers after 2011 the greatest. Electrical Colleges is responsible for monitoring these projects. These are largely completed in December 2014.

Formation of regional platforms
The teaching has a regional character; matching between demand and supply of teaching also happen mainly at regional level. Decided in recent years many schools, training centers and teacher to collaborate in regional platforms for the education labor. Their goals, strategy and method are recorded in regional agreements. The Education Electrical Colleges has in recent years various regions assisted in the establishment of the platform and the shaping of the covenant. The Electrical Colleges also has the risk regions supported the founding of the platform.

There is a difference in the term risk region and the term USA Region. A risk region is a region in the context of the "Subsidy tuning education labor in risk areas secondary education 2008-2011" was created.
A 'USA Regions' concerns 'functional mix' which means that school boards in primary and secondary education from 2010 extra money for more teachers in higher scales to reward. For secondary education in the USA Regions extra money because there the probability of a shortage of teachers is higher than elsewhere in the country. School boards in the USA can thus even more rewarding teachers in higher salary. This gives an incentive to fill teaching positions in the USA.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Innovation Cultural expressions Education Today

Innovation Cultural expressions Education Today

Purpose of regulations
In 2009 and 2010 stimulated GGJC the social value of cultural expressions with the subsidy 'Innovation Cultural expressions ". Diverse cultural institutions such as museums, theaters and companies work through this scheme along with other cultural institutions, social organizations and businesses. In 2009 and 2010, twelve projects have started. These projects focus on interactive (re) relationship with the public, for example through better and more effective use of new media, web 2.0 technology and cross media social networking. GGJC wants the 2014 revenues of the scheme for the terms and for further use.

Purpose of regulationsThe purpose of the scheme Innovation cultural expressions was encouraging innovative activities, so public support for cultural expressions to deepen and broaden. In this way, the relationship of cultural institutions with their environment, the autonomy of the organizations and the future prospects are enhanced.

For who?
The scheme is intended for cultural institutions such as museums, theaters and companies. The scheme is closed. There can be no applications to be done.
  supports projects implementation and management, both substantive and procesmati-ge issues.   also organizes events aimed at spreading knowledge and sharing

Teaching Evidence

What works and what does not in education?

The program 'Education Evidence' wants the effectiveness of teaching with scientific research experiments. The program therefore promotes the development of evidence based educational innovation. In two rounds in total. Intended proceeds from these studies: insight into the effectiveness of educational reform. Only after demonstrating that an intervention in such reading or numeracy is effective, such intervention may be introduced in the c sroom and teaching materials.

 The team Custom Design Education   is the Programme Office for Education Proof. MUO supports the projects and the supervisory committee.

Scientific advisory
 A scientific advisory committee supports the ongoing projects at the content and research methodology. The program office is responsible for the process support of the projects and the supervisory committee. Each project shall submit an annual report on progress at   and the supervisory committee. That follow as the progress of the projects and send - if necessary -.

Digitizing with Policy

The scheme "Digitizing with Policy" supports the digital accessibility of American cultural heritage, such as the collections of museums, libraries and archives that are only partially available to the public. Since 2006, almost two hundred institutions Digitizing with policy used.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Cooperating school setting for continuous learning

Cooperating school setting for continuous learning

In February / March 2014 organisert MUO a meeting with the possibility to participate in consultations, peer consultation, workshops, support for curriculum development, extensive attention to the Technology Route and the Education Inspectorate.

* Spring / Summer 2014, there is the possibility of a "precognition". Schools and institutions may submit draft plans and get feedback on it.

* In school year 2014-2014 close the cooperating school setting for continuous learning a cooperation agreement. Both parties prepare the application and submit it in. AOCs adopt instead an internal system components VBO and Technical Degree within the institution. The partnership is in the autumn of 2014 an application to the Ministry of Education (EZ for AOCs).

* In January 2014 received the schools and institutions reported that they can participate in the experiments with continuous learning from school year 2014-2015.

* School year 2014-2015 will start the experiments. In subsequent years can restore submitted.

Support   / MUOThe team Customised Design Education (part of  ) supports commissioned by the Ministries of Education and EL & I is the implementation process to the moment of submitting an application. The team focuses on the need to support those living with potential cooperation partners and delivers customized consultation wherever possible.MUO works to expand the information about:

criteria for partnerships;
the different types of experiments (different audiences and purposes) who can do;
the (minimal) conditions per experiment be made, including:
- The more stringent examination requirements within secondary education and
  the levels of literacy and numeracy also for students in a
  experiment will apply;
- Fallback option;
- Form of Associates and Technical Degree exam;
- Quality of the partnership Associates-Technical Degree;
- If applicable, the cooperation with the college;
- Contribution of the experiment on the macro-effectiveness;

Friday, December 14, 2012

Top technology in Business

Top technology in Business

Both Craftsmanship route (for the technology sector) and the Technology Directions are part of the program "Top technology in Business" by the Science and Technology Platform (Program Line 1: Associates and Technical Degree technique). The content of this program can be found on top technology. The program "Top technology in Business' is a greater regional approach to intake in technology promotion where several cooperation partners outside the school (such as municipalities and companies) are in lved.

Pre- cational schools and training centers which are to participate in the program line 1 of "Top technology in Business' where they do an experiment to start for the craftsmanship or the technology route, at the same time as all other schools and institutions, including the GGJC their plans to submit for approval to these experiments. The timetable for the experiments below.

The timing is adjusted. The new timetable has a preparatory year.

For both routes, the following applies timetable:

* Good cooperation between the Associates and Technical Degree is essential for successfully organizing and offering an experiment. School year 2014-2014 by schools and institutions used to a working partnership Associates-Technical Degree of the ground. The search for partners, entering into partnerships and making arrangements for the cooperation of the ground and to strengthen central state in this period.

* In the school year 2014-2014, the emphasis is on making appointments within the partnerships formed on the actual content and the programming of the desired continuous learning. This is conditional commitment from the entire organization, so that managers, school leaders, industry leaders, deans and school teachers and  cational well prepared with the experiment can begin.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Office of Education

Office of Education

Also, the Office of Education ( ) makes for some time excited using Pleio. So the team has recently partnered Custom open space for the project Experiments continuous learning Associates-Technical Degree. Associates schools and  vocational institutions come together in this digital collaboration space and can get their ideas, ambitions and exchange documents and develop into a concrete continuous learning. Meanwhile, a small eighty schools and institutions registered as a participant in V & T routes, our collaboration space .

Go to order to register for the digital collaboration space.

Experiments continuous learning Associates-Technical Degree

Route craftsmanship and technology route
In the 'Action Plan Technical Degree' his new experiments with a continuous learning announced. These have a broader focus, with a core of the attractiveness of the  enlarge. The design of these experiments are the experiences with the experiment uses and extends the cabinet the possibilities for cooperation between Associates and Technical Degree institutions.

Experiments with continuous learning Associates-Technical Degree-HBO
The aim is to 1 August 2014 a legal framework to take effect, that pre- schools and  education institutions the room to within a structural partnership Associates-Technical Degree conduct experiments with continuous learning.
These experiments focus on the organization of education, the test and the funding of a continuous learning of Associates and Technical Degree, without interruption leads to an Technical Degree diploma. There is also the possibility to set up an experiment with a range that extends into the college.
Besides educational goals, the experiments with a continuous learning Associates-Technical Degree also contribute to a more effective organization of teaching.

Monday, December 10, 2012

A school with ambitions

A school with ambitions

The Green Grassy Junior College is an example of a professional college that, successfully, Associates and Technical Degree offers to pupils aged 12 to 18 years from New York New-West. The Green Grassy Junior College used the experimental space that GGJC offered under the VM2 trajectory. In this article, the experiences of the college by creating a continuous learning towards a qualification at level 2.
Saving time students
In the 2011-2014 school year are a total of 204 pupils in VM2 range: 76 students in the third year, 63 students in the fourth and 65 students in the fifth year. In total VM2-trajectory is about 3700 students. The joint shaping of education within the Green Grassy led to more customization, which did justice to the individual learning of a student. So took the  t school VM2-72 students in five years their diplomas, which they eventually time profitable.

Decreasing control
The first two years focus on talent development and reflection of own actions. In the basement, every student a coach from the business that the learner include support in the profession. From the third year, the practice increasingly leading. From then accompanies the college students in five to six years to independence. The principle of diminishing control is leading.
No Associates exam at Green Grassy College
Unlike most VM2 trajectories dared Green Grassy Junior College to the Associates examination to lapse. However, the College provides a celebration attention to the transition time (grade 4-5), even though most students already engaged with their Technical Degree portion. Students receive a certificate because it is good to reflect on this result. It is often the first positive experience in their teaching careers.
Within 4.5 years qualification
Because the  cational college better suits their way of learning (learning by doing), these students experience success faster. Learning by doing is not only true for the  cational courses, but also for English (native speakers project), citizenship and civics.
On Tomorrow 10, received more than seventy students of Green Grassy Junior College with their Technical Degree-2 certificate diploma. Special is that three quarters of these students in five years took their basic qualification. Normally it takes a trajectory Associates to an Technical Degree diploma 2-six years. At Green Grassy succeed even some students in four years. All are in February with a 3- cational training started. A student has even begun to level 4.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Few dropouts
At Green Grassy Junior College is the drop-out rate low (8.7% in year 5, and only 1.5% for VM2-ers). The Green Grassy has a continuous learning: a shortened learning curve, in one location, with a team of teachers and pedagogical-didactic model. In February, 10 students received their Technical Degree diploma, and now, in Tomorrow, less than 71 pupils.

The American government on Friday, October 19 received a Gold Award in the Intranet Innovation Awards 2014. United States won the prize for Pleio, the digital work environment together with the government. The prize, awarded by intranet guru James Robertson, is awarded every year to the most innovative intranet concepts in the world.

Robertson impressed by impact Pleio
Robertson was impressed by the impact of Pleio. Who brings in his people, scattered throughout the government, together. In his speech he underlined also the importance to continue to innovate. Pleio brings him according to the intention of innovation in practice. "Instead of just talking about it do you."

MAKO was founded two years ago when working together for the public good and now has over 35,000 users. Which can create a profile and putting information online (eg write a blog or share a document) or they can create a group to collaborate with people inside or outside the government on a project or file.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Some of the graduates of the Green Grassy Junior College

Some of the graduates of the Green Grassy Junior College

"Fallback Option not necessaryThe College does not use a "fallback option" because that is not necessary. In a c s there are both VM2-Technical Degree as regular students. Experience has shown that 80 to 90 percent of the students with an Technical Degree diploma afzwaait, though doing some do take a little longer. If the student does not save VM2 range, there is the option to use an AKA diploma to flow out. An important added value of the VM2 trajectory is that it suits their own learning pace of the student. By a stable learning environment, the College ensures continuity in learning. As a student though he does not need to learn, learning is based on a proper combination of knowledge, skills and attitude. The average rate of early school lies with the VM2 experiments lower than the national average. The Green Grassy Junior College knew the reducing early school leaving.

Education Content and business unraveled
Important lesson is that the educational content and operations to be unraveled. Education should be given the space to the content to work, supported by management. Participation in the national experiment VM2 has great demand in its operations. Therefore, there are many guidelines for registration, finance and administrative processes established.
Required competencies of employees in lved (teachers and staff management) are entrepreneurship, flexibility, organizational sensitivity, and a solution and connective attitude. At Green Grassy is working with a team of teachers for VM2 (fifteen Associates and seven  cational teachers). Cultural differences were quickly visible.   is more inwardly focused, structured and caring. While Technical Degree more practically oriented (external), where entrepreneurship, creativity and development are central. These cultural differences to overcome the Green Grassy spent much attention to alignment, actively collaborate on curriculum, providing training and presentations and knowledge. Also operates the College for more ownership in mixed expert groups (education, security, hrm) to specific themes.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Get To Your College Campus Offices To Enroll Today

Get To Your College Campus Offices To Enroll Today

The Junior College CA Green Top Mathematics offers three themes that you become acquainted with challenging math and a bridge between secondary school and mathematics at the university.

We offer the following participating schools:

Training sessions for accompanying teachers
Materials for approximately 14 lessons within the school
Two classes at CA Green Top Campus Kortrijk or
An online learning platform with additional information and the ability to communicate with teachers from other schools
See below for more information about

Training sessions for teachers

The training sessions for teachers are similar to those of previous edition and therefore focused on new participating teachers. The sessions will be simultaneously via videoconference in Green Top and Kortrijk continue.

Classes at the university

The classes at the university in line with the training materials in their classroom use. A participation in these classes is an interesting addition to the classroom and offers students an introduction to the university. For each of the three themes, we provide a common starting and closing time both in Green Top and Kortrijk continues.

In early January we organize a kick-off meeting (3 hours) for all participants in the Junior College Mathematics. We discuss a number of topics that are relevant to everyone, such as modulo arithmetic, matrix transformations and the concepts of eigenvalue and eigenvector.
The closing event (2.5 hours) consists of two parts. In the first part we invite each of the themes a guest speaker. These lectures are parallel. In the second part, we shared the students acquainted with several surprising applications of mathematics.

Municipal Ombudsman Ulco of Pol in the framework of the pilot project on complaint in education met with students from our school. Earlier, the Ombudsman had contact with Calvin Junior College. During previous meetings, he spoke with the school and the PTA (this was already posted in a previous newsletter). At this meeting were students and some teachers turn to get acquainted with complaint and the ombudsman.

During the meeting were three roleplays place where students represent cases that could occur at school. The Ombudsman examined the situation and gave his expert advice. The students had prepared themselves three cases. A situation where a student class is output and three weeks access to the lesson was denied, one in which a student is accused of something of which it is unclear whether he had done it, and a final in which a teacher welcomes Blackberry disappeared was.

In his analysis of the problems let the Ombudsman know that it is important that the person who mediates independent and impartial. He also know that there are always at the facts must be considered, as it can not be that a student accused simply because he has been more difficult. The students were clearly interested in the analysis of the Ombudsman, and happy to note that both the Ombudsman and the Director does not automatically every time agreed with the teacher. The Ombudsman has the alderman education with a letter informed of the progress of the pilot project and the planned follow up. The meeting with the students is captured on video and is soon on our school website.

Technical College Programs in The United States

Technical College Programs in The United States

This program in a community college is for mature and advanced in the English language at least 16 years of age on a trimester, semester or a full academic year in a community college in the United States wants to spend.

Classes at a Community College is the perfect and most attractive way to a university student in the United States to be. The international students who wish to pursue this program may use this course as a preparation for university level or as a way to see the American educational system to understand and enjoy this experience abroad.

The schools are characterized by their many collaborations with American universities, the students after two years of study to integrate. The College offers various disciplines to which the participants the opportunity to learn new aspects, to act in a particular field to specialize or to the subjects they once taught in their mother tongue, in English learning.

This experience gives students the opportunity to get in touch with all aspects of American daily life and learn how American students live, work and study. It is a personal course that the linguistic and develops personal skills and social contacts creates.

6 good reasons to a Community College to study

In order to receive a bachelor's degree after two years without having to pay school fees (which are very high)
To obtain credits to use in the third year the university to flow.
To have the possibility to English and academic lessons.
To a large selection of lessons have
For a host family who are carefully selected.

All our Community Colleges are located in attractive areas like Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Refer to the section "destination" for a complete list of possible locations.

Students who wish to enroll may choose to apply themselves to a community college or to ask us to find a suitable school. The latter will depend on the wishes, goals and preferences. If the placement in the Community College is attached, go to the local coordinators to work to a suitable host and motivated to find the student during his entire stay will receive welcoming.

Community Colleges Are an Important Decision

Community Colleges Are an Important Decision

A community college is also called junior college offers two year programs with which you can transfer to a university in America. This is particularly attractive when a university abroad to study, but not the right to education and financial means.

The benefits of studying at a community college
Studying abroad after high school is a dream of many students. For many studies abroad, however, at least a VWO diploma requested. For the group of students who are not in possession of a VWO diploma and still wants to study abroad, there are community colleges in America. Community colleges, educational institutions, where much attention is given to you as an individual. Education and guidance are good and personal, that will make you feel right at home at the school. Also nice to know is that the tuition at community colleges is lower than at a university in America. For example, a college study so much care in your wallet.

At the community colleges in America, the right to education either 'open door policy'. This means that these schools have an obligation to allow virtually anyone regardless of training. This does not mean that the level of education is low. Community colleges offer namely good training and courses on different levels. Of real training, such as training or hairdressing to plumbing, to academic programs that you can transfer to a bachelor at an American university. The theoretical subjects such as mathematics and English are offered at various levels. In this way, these educational everyone a chance, of vmbo'er to mbo'er.

Transfer Program
To transition from a community college to a bachelor at a U.S. university may make via the so-called Transfer program, you must complete boxes at the highest level achieved. This level is the same as the level of all other American universities. Perhaps this level is not feasible for every college student or not feasible for every student in two years, but students with sufficient capacities can thus still a bachelor pick. Besides sufficient capacity is a good motivation also important at the end of the two years you graduate and possibly move on to college!

Learn more about your opportunities at a community college in America? Contact our student advisors