Thursday, January 3, 2013

My online degree programs

My online degree programs

Filling the own task in My online degree programs

During the past summer there is a few things changed in my online degree programs. These changes have inter alia the Dashboard tab on My online degree programs and how you can fill out the own task. We will inform you again about how to do this.

In My online degree programs on the Dashboard tab you will find the fields' own statement LL 'and' Private AB task. Under "Number of pupils per reference date 'can each reference date and the number of pupils per school pass that at your school. It is important that you are not the current state of students pass, but the position on the relevant record date.

Suppose you want on 4 December 2014 the number of pupils at the reference date of January 1, 2014 to pass. You do this by pressing the plus sign for those on reference date button. Then click on the pencil of the establishment of your choice at the end of the new rule. The 'Number of pupils change' will now open. Enter the numbers.

Easy to control
Because the number of pupils per reference date passes, you can check each reference date or the number of pupils in online degree programs matches your own task. Filling the own task - unlike in the past - no longer compulsory. If you want us to keep you informed about the differences in the numbers of students, we ask you "own task LL 'and' Own task AB 'per reference date form. Do this on time, ie before the reference date is reached. If you own the task has not been properly filled, you can still do so. If we observe differences between the number of pupils in the online degree programs and own task, alerting us here via email. We do this once for each reference date in which the number of pupils has filled. The reference date of October 1 is an exception: we inform you several times a year.

You can also choose not to fill in "Personal statement LL 'and' Private AB task. We approach your school not on differences in the number of pupils on the dashboard. You can also decide for example only for a given reference date its own task to complete and for the other levels are not dates.   approaches you with abnormalities in the numbers for the completed reference date (s).

Pupil Numbers primary education for housing forecast through 2014   available

In the E-zine of November 7, 2014, we informed you about the housing forecast 2014. The pupil numbers for housing prognosis for primary education from 14 December 2014.
This link takes you to the website Open Education Data, where the file can be downloaded. The data on the weight distribution, type of school and such, for the funding of maintenance and upkeep of schools of interest are published on this website. Because all data for the students counts known in the Basic Education Registry (online degree programs)  , the municipalities have schools not to question. This reduces the administrative burden .. Municipalities may use this information for the preparation of the forecast for housing and applications for housing facilities. The supplied data set is aligned with the VNG (Association of American Municipalities) and the LEM (National Association for Educational Consultants).

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