Sunday, January 6, 2013

What does actuality on the dashboard

The field 'News' represents the rate of change in some registration data that you in the  t thirty days, in time with online degree programs has exchanged. A change in time when within two weeks after this at your school has become known, with online degree programs is exchanged.

100 percent means that all changes in the administration of your school, within two weeks, with online degree programs has exchanged and that the data on time online degree programs registered.
0 percent means that the changes in the administration of your school late online degree programs has exchanged and that the information within two weeks online degree programs registered.
You are required to make changes in the administration of your school within two weeks after it you have become known to online degree programs exchange. Example: You are writing a new student enrollment date to November 1, 2011. This information must be received by November 14, 2011 in online degree programs registered.

If the  t thirty days no changes in the administration of your school and you have been so no data is exchanged online degree programs, then the 'News' empty. There is then no percentage. The dashboard does not account for the school. If you have a vacation because no data has been able to deliver, the percentage of current events.

The numbers in the dashboard can change daily. The percentage actuality is updated daily. So let the dashboard always see the most current state. It is possible that the numbers in the dashboard do not match those on the  university overview. The  university-overview ie only changed twice a week.

Log, identify and (reported) registration
Because a number of concepts are very similar and sometimes used interchangeably, we put them here again for you here, log, identify, register, registration message.

Sign In
Before a student is actually at your school, you can already register a student. The registration of a student is not required but may for example when parents have already indicated that the student at your school before the student is 4 years. This is done by the data of the students in your student administration ( ) to register. This information allows you to identify forward offering to online degree programs.

You can personally offer to online degree programs through a 'Request ID'. So we can check whether the citizen service number or education number, date of birth and gender of the student are correct. online degree programs compares it with the data already in the online degree programs or registered with the data in the Municipal Personal Records Database (GBA). You get any missing or incorrect information fed back.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

online degree programs and a fixed reference date

online degree programs and a fixed reference date

Topical online degree programs and a fixed reference date
If municipalities use these student numbers, it is important to know that schools through their daily student administration software can exchange data with online degree programs. Thus online degree programs continuously updated. The pupil numbers from online degree programs to the municipalities of   given, have a fixed reference date of October 1, 2014. In November we delivered the current position from the reference date online degree programs 1 October. That number, with the same reference date, we overwrite now with delivery in December from online degree programs. Mutations in online degree programs that after November processed, is reflected in this provision.

On the website Education Data municipalities take a file to about 2014 for primary education. On the basis of the four-digit zip code and age of pupils per BRIN-site, the information can be found here. This file is recognized by BRIN-branch the power to determine area.

  is working with the Ministry GGJC and the VNG agreed that the availability of these provisional figures (the state of Oct. 1, 2014) in early November 2014 was published. This brings us to fulfill the desire of municipalities to the data as soon as possible to receive. It is important to know that the state of November, provisional student numbers are concerned. These numbers are not used for the initial funding of schools, therefore, the position of use in December 2014.

Frequently removed from subscriptions online degree programs. Deleting a registration is not always the right solution. Only when a student has enrolled in online degree programs that no education who at your school and expected no education will follow at your school, it is intended that the data of a pupil from online degree programs removed. Only after you have removed the student from online degree programs, you may use the student from your students administration system ( ) removal.

It can also happen that the data of a pupil from online degree programs to remove a wrong entry date has exchanged. The way you need to change varies  . We refer you also to the manual of your  .

When a new subscription after removal instruction to online degree programs, this is possibly  university signal 21 as result. Your registration is late exchanged for a given reference date and does not count for funding growth.

The (bi-monthly) Private Overview Personal budgets 2011-2014 for Private schools is available in Excel. Controlling Private-schools of this option shall receive the Excel list of peripatetic supervision with  , once every two months. Given the number of Private-schools   enables the statement by board number available. The file is a breakdown of the BRIN numbers of the relevant schools.

Private Applications Overview
Administrations wishing to make use of this possibility may this by mail at the Information Education (BDG) applications. In it they say that they want to receive digital Private overview, and measures they should provide the following information:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My online degree programs

My online degree programs

Filling the own task in My online degree programs

During the past summer there is a few things changed in my online degree programs. These changes have inter alia the Dashboard tab on My online degree programs and how you can fill out the own task. We will inform you again about how to do this.

In My online degree programs on the Dashboard tab you will find the fields' own statement LL 'and' Private AB task. Under "Number of pupils per reference date 'can each reference date and the number of pupils per school pass that at your school. It is important that you are not the current state of students pass, but the position on the relevant record date.

Suppose you want on 4 December 2014 the number of pupils at the reference date of January 1, 2014 to pass. You do this by pressing the plus sign for those on reference date button. Then click on the pencil of the establishment of your choice at the end of the new rule. The 'Number of pupils change' will now open. Enter the numbers.

Easy to control
Because the number of pupils per reference date passes, you can check each reference date or the number of pupils in online degree programs matches your own task. Filling the own task - unlike in the past - no longer compulsory. If you want us to keep you informed about the differences in the numbers of students, we ask you "own task LL 'and' Own task AB 'per reference date form. Do this on time, ie before the reference date is reached. If you own the task has not been properly filled, you can still do so. If we observe differences between the number of pupils in the online degree programs and own task, alerting us here via email. We do this once for each reference date in which the number of pupils has filled. The reference date of October 1 is an exception: we inform you several times a year.

You can also choose not to fill in "Personal statement LL 'and' Private AB task. We approach your school not on differences in the number of pupils on the dashboard. You can also decide for example only for a given reference date its own task to complete and for the other levels are not dates.   approaches you with abnormalities in the numbers for the completed reference date (s).

Pupil Numbers primary education for housing forecast through 2014   available

In the E-zine of November 7, 2014, we informed you about the housing forecast 2014. The pupil numbers for housing prognosis for primary education from 14 December 2014.
This link takes you to the website Open Education Data, where the file can be downloaded. The data on the weight distribution, type of school and such, for the funding of maintenance and upkeep of schools of interest are published on this website. Because all data for the students counts known in the Basic Education Registry (online degree programs)  , the municipalities have schools not to question. This reduces the administrative burden .. Municipalities may use this information for the preparation of the forecast for housing and applications for housing facilities. The supplied data set is aligned with the VNG (Association of American Municipalities) and the LEM (National Association for Educational Consultants).

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My online degree programs and university overview

My online degree programs and  university overview

My online degree programs is the secure part of university. , which you with your personal username and password to login. In My online degree programs contains all data related to your school. Make sure your contact information and student numbers on the "Dashboard My online degree programs remain current.

The manual My online degree programs below.

A part of My online degree programs is the  university overview. This list is updated every three to seven days and contains important information on the number of funded students. It is important that you regularly check this list. Below are the manual control  university.

From 1 October 2010 the Public  and Private-funded schools on the basis of the data in online degree programs. The funding is automatically (automatically) assigned. This applies to regular financing upkeep (calendar year 2011), for the regular financing staff (school year 2011/2014), the budgets ( ) and growth funding. On the overview Consolidated Funding Counts ( university-list) you will see how many students are eligible for funding. It is important survey. You can find the list on my  university-online degree programs.

For the Public -schools from 1 October 2010 on the first day of the month in online degree programs examined whether there is a growth in the number of pupils. Or are entitled to supplementary funding of growth, for the Public  schools determined at board level. For the Private-schools in the statutory dates online degree programs checked whether there is growth. If there is justice in additional funding, it is automatically assigned. For proper funding, it is important that you provide timely information to online degree programs. New registrations and changes in the student data should therefore be made within two weeks after the change has become known in the school, in online degree programs registered.

To your questions 24 hours a day to answer, there is the Knowledgebase online degree programs. We ask you to first consult the Knowledge online degree programs, before contacting us. You will find the knowledge in the right context "Questions and Answers". By at least one keyword into the white bar and typing in 'search' button, you will get up to 100 results. The more words you use, the greater the chance that you direct your question here. The first results shown are the most relevant. The relevance decreases as the results up. With the button 'Next' at the bottom of the screen there is always a new page loaded with more results. If the words used little or no results, you can click the button "Search again" button. You can use another keyword, add a keyword or topic. By searched by subject, you will receive a topic related questions. Fill any keyword in the white bar, but press directly on one of the topics indicated. By clicking on the topic, you will see the different categories are. Each category are found the questions shown. Some, major categories are divided into subcategories, the search easier. You can click on your question so as to read the corresponding answer.